
UI Mod Listing
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Listing Of My User Interface Modifications.

     Ok, let's get started shall we. Here is a comprehensive list of all the User Interface Modifications I use as well as their descriptions.

A reminder that ALL of these mods are not my work. The Wolf's mini location was only adoped by me after falling months behind I kept it updated. Most of the mods don't come with readme's about them or their creators. Should you wish to know for-mentioned information visit  ui.worldofwar.net or curse-gaming.com   where I obtained these mods and search for them. (Included on links page.)

*Site Still Under Construction.*

**The +++ Will be replaced by download links**

SpellScaler-Will auto-scale buffs/heals (even my conjures) to the level of the person you have targeted.

MobInfo-Tells you the full mana and health amount of the mob you are targeting (you need to fight it fully at least once for it to know.)
Stores all the information so it always remembers. Also saves loot information. (Count/Quality/Coin/Cloth etc.)

MobInfo Browser-A browser of all the info MI2 collects. This is technically a separate mod so goes in the addons folder like everything else not in the mobinfo folder.

Decursive-One click of a mouse, or one button and you can cure any ailment your class can cure. It has a priority and skip list to make things most effective. (Requires the buttons to be in SOME toolbar just to check for range and mana cost.)


Perl-This mod is very cool. Changes the look of the frames of your portrait. Can also modify the party/pet/target/target of target/and gives you an option to even use target/of target/of target. (Don't ask, it just helps.) EVERY single one can be fully modified and every part is optional. My download links will include link to all it's addons that I use.

Buffaholic-This is NOT buffahoy that annoying pally mod. This with one command (I use a macro) will show you the name (color coded by class) and the group number of someone who's missing your raid buffs. Will also tell you if you need a buff or a self buff. Ei:

Wolfmage (5) Needs Arcane Intellect. You also need Frost or Mage Armor.

It will say, in the example the 30 min version of the buff although it does actually check for both the 30 min, or full hour raid buff. (Not sure how it works for pallys.)

Atlas-A full map of every instance in the game. Includes position of and names of bosses. Newest version includes battleground and flightpath information.

AtlasLootEnhanced-Just like MIBrowser a separate mod but an addon to it. This gives detailed loot information of all the items dropped by every mod in every instance.

Lootlink-A very very small database of items and their information from the game. It collects information automatically when-ever you inspect someone. In a week you'll have over 2k items I'm sure.

Lootlink Database Adder-A temp. addon. Once you load into wow after installing this mod it runs instantly adding tons of items to lootlink. Then you simply delete it's folder afterwards since it never needs to be run again.

Damage Meters-A meter showing everyone in your party's damage. Can report information to just you/a raid/party/whisper...etc. Has TONS of options. Can show Total Damage/Healing DPS/HPS bla bla bla...

SimpleFeignHealth-Will show the Health/Mana of a hunter (including yourself) in your party during their Feign Death.

Critmod-Shows your amount of crits/total damage with them and even plays sounds on crits based on the number. The sounds are all from UnrealTournament. (The version I included has has it's messages that are sent to chat "cleaned" up for raids and kids. Mostly so my GL won't kill me. lol. <3 Min'do.)

Titan-This mod is packed full of features. Includes clock that can be set to any time zone as well as 24hr set. Shows your durability/repair cost at anytime. Has a shortcut for your damage meters. Shows your location in the world. Your performance (ei: Frames/s and memory usage of WoW.) Your current money and gain/loss each session. (From character logon to logoff not per account. Resets each time a character relogs.)

ZZPlayerFrame-Useless, but gives a couple of my toons an elite symbol around their picture. (Rare for players above your lvl >5 and an elite for <5.

Wolf's Mini Location. A tiny box that shows the coords that you're at in the current zone. (Yes, WOLF'S!)

ntmysFixLoadingTimes-There are TONS of things that go on when you zone/hearthstone/teleport from place to place. This limits the number by only processing the most important ones on your end. Makes the loading WAY faster trust me on that one.
TellCatcher-It's like an AIM/MSN type thingamabober/duhickey in-game that catches your tells...  Can also record 100 lines per person. (Little annoying to clean out after a few days.) But it flashed when you get a tell and can be customized by color and can even show friends/guildies who are online even if they haven't sent you a tell.(Optional.)

Titanbar/Titan-A small bar that shows you dozen upon dozens of things. Customizable clock, can shortcut to mods like ctregen and damage meters. Shows your position on the map, your money and the amount you've gained/lost since logon, your initial cash and even gain/loss per hour. Can show/hide any of it's functions or addons can auto hide and be scaled to w/e you wish.

Now Titan, just like CT has many addons.

TitanRepair-Gear damage/Repair cost.
TitanJBRoll-A very intracate roller for your bar
TitanMail-Similar to CTMail it allowes you to open and send mass mail.
TitanAspect-A simple button for all of the hunter aspects.
TitanItemBonuses-A VERY detailed list of all the bonuses from armor and weapons etc.
CTMOD-By far the BEST mod ever designed. Just like titan has TONS of addons, many of which I use. CTMod itself has no super special function, it's the mods core system for options and shortcuts.
(To get the best info/downloads visit it's official site CTMOD.net)

The additions I use are the following:
CT_RaidAssist-For those heavy raiders who can customize/shortcut/and display all aspects of useful information. Such as a maintank list and their targets. The raid yell that blizzard JUST added, ready check as well. Debuff curing and so on. (I like decursive better btw.)

CT_RABossmods-Adds timer and warning for all the bosses. Usually announced by the raid leader anyway, but good to have. EI:Luci's curse, Mag's Fear, and the one that always saves my butt, Chromaggus' breaths.

CT_ExpenseHistory-Just what it says catalogs the amount of money on repair/reagents/flights and so on.

CT_PlayerNotes-Just incase you forgot why this random dude/dudette is in your friends list. Or who's the dingus in my ignore list.

CT_QuestLevels-Just pops the level in front of the name on the questlog.

CT_TickMod-Shows your mana/hp regen per tick.

CT_Timer-Just a timer :-Þ

KLHThreatMeter-Shows your hate to your target. Helps you avoid pulling some psycho enraged demon, who should be murdering the MT.

Gatherer-Everytime you right click on an herb/mine etc it places an icon for it on the map, even if you don't even have the right skill. You can also filer what kinds are shown per character so that your miner doesn't see herbs and your flowerpicker doesn't see ore. Even shows the random Un'Goro crap and chests.

Cryolosis-A fantasic mage specific mod just like necrosis. Has just enough features that I don't feel like listing em all.

Scrolling Combat Text-Often referred to as SCT this addon shows on screen a ton of full customizable messages about combat. From the damage you take, all the way to reactive spells like clearcasting or buffs.

SCTD/Scrolling Combat Text Damage-An addon to SCT that shows (with the same customizable text) all of your type of damage. Melee/Spell/DoT/Pet/And Colored Crits and much more.

SuperInspect-This mod makes inspecting someone a ton more fun. It shows you all their gear no matter how far they went. (So you don't have to stalk them to see it, thank you blizzard.) Along with being able to get great views of their gear it'll show you ALL the other information you'll ever need. Set pieces, bonuses to stats, damage, crits etc. Even a list of chance on hit or use options of their gear. Works on their honor pane too!

That's it. If I left something out it's cus I don't think it's worth sharing, probably cus it's useless and I just haven't deleted it. Enjoy!!

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